Why Choose EPDM for Roofing?

When you notice that there is some damage on your roof, whether it is leaking, or it simply appears as though there may be some cracks forming, you can’t ignore it. Problems with the roof are not going to get better on their own. In fact, they are only going to get worse. Therefore, you will want to act as quickly as you can to make sure that the roof is repaired. One of the best options for many types of roof today is to use an EPDM coating.

EPDM, or Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer, is a synthetic type of rubber, which can be applied to the roof to provide it with a protective coating that will help to keep it safe and stop leaks. While there are other options available for roofing repair, you will find that this has some nice benefits, and it should certainly be considered.

Affordable Compared to Other Options

When people discover that they have a problem with their roof, such as a leak, they immediately start to think about just how much it is going to cost to repair. If you have caught the problem before it is too bad, you will find that using EPDM as a coating is very affordable. In many cases, you can take care of the application on your own. Even if you hire someone to handle it for you, the cost is likely to be minimal since the application process is relatively simple.

Simple Application Makes It a Potential DIY Project

As mentioned, you will find that applying an EPDM coating to the roof is simple. It is possible to do it yourself with a little bit of time and the right equipment. You will also want to understand the basics of how to apply the coating to the roof, and you will want to make sure you follow all of the manufacturer’s guidelines to ensure it sets properly. Always take the proper safety precautions when you are applying the EPDM, as well.

Keep in mind that you will also have to wait for the EPDM to cure. This does not typically take very long, and one of the benefits of the material is that it can cure in any temperature. It tends to cure faster when the temperature is above 55 degrees Fahrenheit, but it will still cure in lower temperatures.

EPDM Is Durable

When you make a fix to your roof, you do not want the same problem cropping up a few months later, or even a couple of years later. One of the nice things about EPDM coatings is the fact that they can last for a long time thanks to the durability of the rubber. In fact, it has the potential to last for decades. It’s nice to have that kind of peace of mind when it comes to your roof.

Use EPDM as a Preventative Measure

Even if you do not have any major problems with your roof right now, you might still want to consider using an EPDM coating. Applying it before there is a problem will give your roof a layer of “armor” that will help to keep it safe now and for years to come. This simple preventative measure can help you prevent some headaches down the road.

As you can see, there are many reasons to consider using EPDM when you have to make sure your roof is in shape and stays that way. If you have issues with your roof, this could be just the cure you’ve been hoping to find.